
Choosing the Right Online College - A Primer For You

Choosing the Right Online College - A Primer For You
Choosing the right online college can seem like a daunting task. There are so many different schools and programs out there. How do you select just the right one? If you have never attended any type of college or university before, it can be even more confusing.

However, deciding is easier than you may think. As long as you follow these steps, you should walk away with a clear, concise picture of the online programs you have selected. From there you can choose the acara that is right for you.

Decide What You Would Like to Study
Before you do anything, you need to decide what you want to study. Think about the things that interest you and explore careers in that area. 

You can also take career assessment tests to help you decide what type of career you should go into. Make a list and use it to find a acara that supports the area in which you are interested.

Determine the Criteria by Which You Will Evaluate Your Online College
Choosing the right online college is much like choosing a regular college. There are certain criteria that you should assess as you make your decision. 

The following list contains some of the more prevalent or important aspects that you should consider. Of course, you will likely have your own personal needs, so you can add them to this list, tailoring it to fit you. But to get you started, consider these things:

  • Areas of study that are offered
  • Types of degrees you can get
  • Reputation of school/degree acara
  • Size on classes
  • Availability of instructor
  • Qualifications of instructor
  • Costs (tuition, books, supplies)
  • Financial aid packages
  • Admission requirements
  • Study and research resources available to students
  • Length of program/Length of time to get degree
  • Accreditation
  • Placement/Job success after graduation
  • Availability of campus based classes

Make a List of Prospective Colleges
As you look at colleges, make a list of the ones that appeal to you most. Weigh various aspects against each other. Does it have the exact type of acara that you want, but the tuition is rather high? Is it a reputable, accredited school, but the length of time that will be required in order for you to get your degree is more than you are willing to do? Weigh the positives against the negatives and create your list to make sure you're choosing the right online college.

Get Information on Each College You have Selected
Reach out to each college that you have selected and request their information packet. It should have a list of courses and their descriptions as well as all information regarding graduation, financial aid and instructor availability. From there, you can narrow your choices and zero in on a select few.

Speak With Representatives From Each College
Once you have decided on two or three possible choices, make an appointment to speak with a representative from the school. They can prove invaluable as resources for making your decision. You can ask specific questions that may not have been covered in the informational packets and they can clarify anything that you may not have understood from the packet.

Apply to Your Top Schools (or School)
The next step in choosing the right online college is to apply to the top schools that you have selected. This can often be done online. Be prepared to pay an application fee of around $30 - $50 (the median price is $40) and have information on hand such as your social security number, dates you attended high school and/or college, number of college credits you have and your grade point average. You may also be required to provide a high school and/or a college transcript.

Make Your Selection From the Colleges That Accept You
Once the acceptance letters start rolling in, all you have to do is make your selection and get started on the road to getting your degree.

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