
Earn a Paycheck Teaching Online College Courses

Earn a Paycheck Teaching Online College Courses
If you are in need of replacement income because you have been laid off or if you simply need to supplement your income, you might consider teaching online college courses. 

A nice living can be earned by a person with a graduate degree in one of the core academic subjects such as English, psychology or math, and in these economically parlous times the chance to earn a decent income is nothing to sneer at these days. 

This sterling employment situation is the result of the large numbers of new and returning college students wanting to earn an online college degree from their personal computers. 

Happily, for the students and the prospective online adjunct instructors, the technology required to deliver a quality post secondary education is already in place. It is now possible to earn a dull time living teaching online by searching out and applying for online adjunct employment opportunities with online bachelor degree programs and online master's degree programs.

The first qualification for someone who wants to generate multiple income streams from online teaching for a distance learning online college is an earned graduate degree. 

Since the vast majority of new and returning college students can be found in the basic curriculum courses, the most applicable graduate degrees are those in the areas of English, history, math and psychology. 

While there are certainly some college students in the more advanced classes, and there are many more today in graduate programs that award the masters and doctorates degrees, the greatest number of students are enrolled in the first year classes. 

This massing of current college students in the introductory classes is a positive element of the academic market for online adjuncts since it means there are more than enough online college courses to teach throughout the year to make online adjunct jobs well worth the pursuit.

From the online adjunct instructor side of the academic equation, with the students being the other side, there is no one size fits all online class to teach. First, it is fair to say that almost every community college, four-year college, state-funded university and for-profit school either now has multiple online college programs or they will have in the very near future. 

The simple fact of the matter is that the cost of offering online classes is extremely low when compared to the high cost of offering college students seats in a physical classroom. 

That cost factor along practically guarantees that there will be more and more online college classes available as time goes on.

From a purely economic perspective, a healthy amount of money can be earned by an online adjunct instructor teaching for several online degree programs. For example, it is possible to teach two online classes for three different colleges online. 

If each class pays the online professor two thousand dollars, the six classes together, and they would run during the same period of time although they might run for different lengths of time, would pay the teacher twelve thousand dollars. 

At a minimum, this sum can be doubled during the year, and given the current economy this amount of income, which can be earned anywhere in the world from a computer with Internet access would be a welcome addition to any person's personal budget.

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